Friday, September 4, 2015


One Arts Plaza is proud to present the thought-provoking exhibit created by Dallas’ Willie Baronet, “WE ARE ALL HOMELESS”. Now on display in our commercial lobby, Baronet’s project features homeless signs that he has been buying and collecting since 1993. The purpose of this project is to not only bring awareness to the issue of homelessness, but to change the preconceived ideas many people have about the homeless and their situations. His exhibition challenges viewers to think about what it means to be homeless. Is home a physical place such as a house? Or is it a state of being, a sense of safety, or identity?

Stop by our lobby to see his work and challenge the preconceived notions that surround homelessness. Please click here to learn more about Baronet’s project. His exhibition will be on display now through October 4.

Additionally, we are proud to support the Housing Crisis Center and The Bridge. Check out these non-profits and please consider spreading the word, donating or supporting their efforts by volunteering your talents an time. Visit the Housing Crisis Center and the Bridge to learn more.

Don't miss the "WE ARE ALL HOMELESS" Opening reception Tuesday, Sept. 8 from 6-8pm.

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